Mentee Course
This course will help you become a great mentee. A great mentee will understand how to clearly communicate their goals, challenges, ways of thinking. This course will help develop those qualities in you.
Welcome To The Course!
What is The Purpose of Mentorship?
A mentor is someone who...
Benefits To A Mentor
Being a mentor...
Benefits To A Mentee
One of the benefits of having a mentor is…
What Mentorship Is And Is Not
Having a mentor is a guarantee of promotion.
Difference Between A Mentor And A Coach
In a mentoring relationship who directs the relationship?
Skills And Qualities Of Great Mentors
Attributes of a great mentor
How To Create The Foundation For A Trusting Relationship
The purpose of these questions.
Different Types Of Expectations To Set
Setting expectations
The Do's and Don'ts of Building Mentoring Relationships
What you shouldn't do
How To Cultivate A Successful Mentoring Relationship
What is most important to you?